Updated: EST 06/19/2004
Operating Company:Virginia PCS Alliance, L.C. (nTelos)
Former Operating Company: PCS PrimeCo - Virginia
Operating Company Number:6822
Office Name:Norfolk MTSO?
Location:945 Norfolk Sq.
Norfolk, VA
Colocated Carrier(s):
jpeg thumbnail image of PrimeCo Norfolk MTSO

Althought Lucent 5ESS manuals can be seen in the lobby of the MTSO through the door, confirmation of switch type comes from a CDG news blurb A failed generic upgrade on this switched caused a network collapse for a whole day (more detailed information pending).

CarrierSwitch CLLISwitch TypeArea CodeExchange(s)
PrimeCoNRFLVAIJCM1Lucent 5ESS-2000757235-7, 239, 241, 517,
696, 713-5, 717-8, 724-5,
729, 735, 737, 843