Granby St - NRFLVAGS
Updated: 05:39PM EST 12/21/2004
Operating Company:Verizon Virginia, Inc.
Former Operating Company(s): Bell Atlantic - Virginia, Inc.
C&P Telephone Co. of Va
Operating Company Number:9213
Office Name:Granby St
Location:8910 Granby St.
Norfolk, VA
Colocated Carrier(s): Adelphia Business Solutions
Cavalier Telephone
AT&T Corp.???
jpeg thumbnail image of Bell Atlantic Granby St CO

One of the most stately and distinctive Bell Atlantic COs in Virginia, it is rumored the Granby Street office is housed inside an old school house. I've also heard this office was originally built around 1934 making it one of the oldest in Virginia, if true. Either way the office has undergone major expansions in the rear and to the side and the picture really does not do justice to the facilities overall footprint. Like Hull Street in Richmond, the back of Bute St in downtown Norfolk and GTE's Princess Anne office in Virginia Beach one can get a decent look at some of the muxes and other assorted equipment from the side walk.

Also, telephone pole markers that are part of a Richmond - Norfolk can be seen running infront of the office has the route heads towards the AT&T 4ESS at the Bute Street office.

Finally, it is true the office is still one of a handful to still host service off of a Western Electric 1AESS. Another 1AESS at the main Petersburg CO is supposed to have been converted over to a modern Lucent 5ESS switching system but no plans have been posted regarding the 1AESS at Granby Street.

CarrierSwitch CLLISwitch TypeArea CodeExchange(s)
Bell AtlanticNRFLVAGSCG0Western Electric 1AESS757480, 531, 583, 587-8